Life Lessons.

Life teaches us...and it can teach us endlessly if we allow it.  Occasionally I will write a blurp entitled Life Lessons followed by numbers to indicate which lesson I'm on.  I thought instead of continually adding to the same blog post, I would collaboratively post all of my lessons learned as life continues to instruct me.  So, count this page as a never-ending work in progress.

Also, I would like to add other people's -- people like you -- experiences to the mix too.  If you have a life lesson that you would like to share, please see my Contact Me page on how to submit it.

Carry on...

1. Being an adult is overrated.

2. Running over jaywalkers is not legal, but it should be.

3. You can tell a lot about a person by the bumper stickers on their car.

4. God gave us a sense of direction before He gave us GPS.

5. Breakfast for dinner is always exciting.

6. True love really does wait.

7. Racism is taught.

8. Learning to laugh at yourself is a quick fix to embarrassment.

9. There's a fine line between ghetto and redneck...a very fine line.

10. Prayer works.

11. Choose your battles wisely.

12.  There is not a cleaner, detergent, or deoderizer that will remove the smell of cat piss.

13.  Tootsie Rolls mask garlic breath.  Don't judge, just try it next time you eat something oober garlicy.

14.  When you have a good idea....write it down.

15.  The terrible twos really are terrible.

16.  Smile.

17.  Always take the time to hug your children.

18.  Everyone's an unintentional hypocrite in some aspect...including you....and me.

19.  Be passionate.

20.  All stereotypes are grounded in some kind of truth.

21.  Dead skunks resemble the smell of ground coffee.  I know, you're thinking "What the hell?"  But  
       I'm time you smell a dead skunk, pretend you're sitting in Starbucks, and tell me if 
       it's not similar in scent.

22.  Pepper spray expires.

23.  Wearing spandex leggings in public without a shirt long enough to cover your ass cheeks,
        should be illegal.

24.  Really nice ink pens are hard to come by. be continued.