Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Songs of The Season: The Night Before Christmas.

The words, "the night before Christmas", are usually followed by "...and all through the house.  Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse..."  Right?  Isn't that what you were expecting?  Don't know you were.

A couple of years ago, a singer/songwriter took those four words and gave them a new meaning.  Brandon Heath's The Night Before Christmas is one of my favorite modern Christmas tunes.  One line says,

"We were so lost on Earth, no peace, no worth, no way to escape.  
In fear, no faith, no hope, no grace, and no light, but that was the night before Christmas."  

His message is how we, as a people, were hopeless and lost before the birth of Christ.  It's such a beautiful twist on a classic Christmas tale.  The words speak for themselves...

The Night Before Christmas

Empty manger, perfect stranger about to be born.
Into darkness, sadness, desperate madness, creation so torn.
We were so lost on Earth, no peace, no worth, no way to escape.
In fear, no faith, no hope, no grace and no light.
But that was the night before Christmas.

Warm hay, cold sweat; a mother, not yet.
Praying Godspeed the dawn.
She looks to her man, holding her hand. 
They wonder how long.

And the shepherds, wise men come to find them
And bow to a King. 
One star above shining on Love, 
So bright it lit up the night before Christmas.

And the world didn't know mercy was meek and so mild.
And the world didn't know that truth was as pure as a child.
The night before Christmas.
The night before Christmas.

And the world didn't know redemption was sweet and so strong. 
And the world didn't know salvation was writing a song.
The night before Christmas.
The night before Christmas.

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