Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Songs of The Season: O Holy Night.

I've heard O Holy Night dozens of times, but never had I paid attention to the words until a couple of years ago.  I remember sitting in my old office, working away.  I had Christmas carols playing in the background.  The music started for O Holy Night, and midway through the first stanza, I heard the following line,

"Long lay the world in sin and error pining, 'til He appeared and the soul felt it's worth..." 

A spiritual light bulb went off.   

So often, Christmas becomes a parade of presents, a festivity of food, and an explosion of decorations.  Most of us, intentional or not, forget about the true meaning of Christmas.  We don't forget about family and friends, or spending the holidays with loved ones.  And most of us don't forget about the spirit of selflessness and giving.  We see the manger scenes in passing, and don't give them a second thought.  We sing Away In The Manger and Silent Night, but the words are just words.  We don't really read them or take time to grasp their full meaning. 

Many years ago, a Child named Jesus came into the world who's very existence changed everything.  In the centuries following that holy night, millions of lives have been touched, souls saved, bodies healed, and hearts changed.  He was born to teach, to love, to show, to save, and ultimately to die.  Before His birth, the world didn't know love or joy ... hope or peace.  It wasn't until that glorious night, that our souls felt their worth.  A tiny baby with a humble birth changed it all. 

I challenge you to seek out the Truth this Christmas -- you'll be blessed. 

Happy Christmas!

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