Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Blogging 101.

I work in an office, and just like many of you, I stare at a computer screen for 8 hours a day.  Not fun.  The last thing on my mind when I get home, is "oh, I can't wait to get on the computer!"  Once I shut my office door for the day, I'm done with computers until 8:00am the next morning.  Oddly, as of late, I've been gettin' the itch to make more of my computer time.  I have a Facebook page, as most of you probably do.  I have a Twitter ID, as well, although I haven't touched it in weeks.  And as sad as it is to admit, I actually still have an open Myspace account; but, in my defense, I haven't logged in since some time in early 2010.  With all that said, my social media life has left me wanting more.  And then a light bulb went off - blogging.  What a concept.

Now, if we're being honest, I've had blogs in the past.  I got my first taste of blogging when Myspace was popular, and I got addicted...for awhile anyway.  In the past 18 months, I've created and failed at two blogs - one about relationships and one about photography...both of which are things I'm passionate about.  So this time, I thought what could I possibly write about that would keep my readers reading, and that I'm passionate enough about to continue writing?  I thought.  And then I really thought.  And I kept thinking.  I got nothin'!  But then, there it was...the light bulb went off, the clouds parted for the sunbeams to shine through, and I heard glorious chimes from the Heavens.  Motherhood - that's it!  I will be a "mommy blogger".  So, here I mommy blogging my best shot.  Wish me luck, and please stay-tuned. 


  1. First Post!
    Nice looking blog, I look forward to frequenting this space. Peace!
